Friday, April 20, 2007

Bahir Dar, Blue Nile Falls & Lake Tana

After a night at Debre Markos in the Shebel Hotel, we packed up and headed on to Bahir Dar, on the shores of Lake Tana, Ethiopia's largest lake and the source of the Blue Nile. After hanging out and resting in the Ghion Hotel - a garden paradise right on the lake - we drove the next morning to the Blue Nile falls...

That night we went out for Ethiopian food at Amanuel restaurant - veggies and fish since it was fasting time during Lent - and then to a traditional dance club right next door. Art & Mom especially liked the dancing and singing, but our girls were tired and we had to turn in early.
The following day we undertook an all-day boat-trip on Lake Tana, with an eye toward visiting some of the famous monasteries on the lake. Unfortunately, many of them refuse to admit women on their islands, let alone inside their churches, though some did...

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At 1:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Salut Larry and Family!
Je prends finalement le temps de vous rendre cette "long due virtual visit".
Je crois bien que je ne connais personne qui sache aussi bien que vous tirer le meilleur parti de n'importe quelle situation, et sans doute personne ayant une attitude aussi positive : merci infiniment, vous etes rafraichissants!
Je suis heureux de trouver dans ton profuile, Larry, des films--American Beauty--et des livres--the Bridge over Forever-- que j'aime. Films: j'ajouterais Forest Gump, "La legend de 1900", A river Runs Through it, Ordinary People, et d'autres si je me laissais alle. Bouquins: as-tu lu Le Messie Recalcitrant (Illusions) de Bach? Je voudrais vous recommender "Mister God, this is Anna", d'un anglais nomme Fynn. En Francais "Anna et Mr. God".
Voila pour aujourd'hui. Je tacherais de passer prendre des nouvelles plus souvent sur votre blog. Vous pensez venir par ici bientot?
Des bises a toute l'equipe, et encore merci pour les nouvelles, les photos et les commentaires.


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