Sunday, March 26, 2006

Cherry Blossoms

The National Cherry Blossom Festival started this weekend, and we had heard that the cherry trees at the Reflecting Pool were in full bloom, so we headed down there at about 7:00 AM to try to beat the crowds.

We were prepared for the chilly and windy weather, but not many of the trees have bloomed at all. In any case we wanted Clara & Gwendolyne to see at least some cherry blossoms, since we won't have an opportunity for at least another four years. Perhaps Patricia can take them down there again later on when more buds will have opened.

After a brisk walk all the way around the Reflecting Pool (with a requisite visit to the Jefferson Memorial), we fetched some pains au chocolat, pains au raisin, croissants and a baguette from Pâtisserie Poupon. We enjoyed the pastries, but won't return there anytime soon - it set us back $18. Why does French food always have to be so fricking expensive?


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